
Hugo Demenez,social

When I was 12, my quest for friends led me to Minecraft, where I hosted my own gaming realm on my rusty computer. Eager to share this world, I decided to go in the school playground, lacking the aid of social media, and look for those who seemed approachable enough to join in the fun.

After a day of scouting, I found myself surrounded by 3-4 individuals, equally excited to dive into our digital adventures. Despite the laggy server and the computer struggling to keep up, the joy of building together overshadowed these technical hurdles.

Building friendship

As our camaraderie grew, I began to think of us as friends, only to face a harsh reality the following year when most of them ended up in my class. What felt like a good thing became really bad as being young made it hard to tell the difference between joking around and being mean. This led to me losing my friends and ending up alone again.

Transformative inner voice

Yet, over time, amidst the solitude, a transformation occurred. I can't quite recall how it happened, but solitude became my sanctuary. Instead of loneliness, I found solace and a sense of enlightenment in being alone.

Reflecting on these experiences, I penned down my thoughts recently, contemplating this enduring feeling that has lingered within me. I ponder if feeling above it all is truly a positive. Despite striving to remain grounded, a persistent belief resonates within me—an innate sense that my life holds a profound purpose, and I will overcome any obstacle in my path.

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